
We have a minimum order of 2 cubic metres to qualify for deliveries and a maximum of 6 cubic metres per truck load. You’re welcome to order more than 6 cubic metres but please contact us via phone or email so we can arrange delivery.

Delivery Rates

Location Price
Ātiamuri $70
Bethlehem $115
Broadlands $120
Brunswick $50
Central Papamoa $50
Fairy Springs $20
Fenton Park $20
Fordlands $20
Galatea $130
Glenholme $20
Hamurana $40
Hannah’s Bay $40
Hillcrest $20
Holdens Bay $40
Horohoro $50
Kaingaroa $120
Kawaha Point $20
Kawerau $120
Koutu $20
Lake Ōkāreka
Lake Ōkataina $75
Lake Rotoiti $65
Lake Rotoma $75
Lake Tarawera $75
Lynmore $30
Maketu $75
Mamaku $50
Mangakakahi $20
Maniatutu $80
Matipo Heights $20
Mount Maunganui $90
Mourea $60
Murupara $140
Ngakuru $70
Ngāpuna $30
Ngawaro $60
Ngongotahā $30
Ngongotahā Valley $30
Ōhinemutu $20
Okere Falls $60
Ōwhata $30
Paengaroa $70
Papamoa East $60
Pōmare $20
Pongakawa $90
Pukehangi $20
Pyes Pa $75
Reporoa $125
Selwyn Heights $20
Springfield $20
Sunnybrook $20
Tauranga $110
Te Puke $65
Tihiotonga $30
Tikitere $50
Tokoroa $125
Tumunui $50
Utuhina $20
Victoria $20
Waikite Valley $75
Waiotapu $60
Welcome Bay $95
Western Heights $20
Whakarewarewa $20